We just put together a set of shields to allow Arduino-based olfactometer control. I am including the linked schematics here. To make these shields, we are using a program called ExpressPCB, which is linked to a printing service. I will not go through the details of what component goes where on the PCB, but I assume anyone with some electronics know-how should be able to figure them out.
ArduinoShieldBasic.pcb - Template we use for designing shields for Arduino Mega
rs232shield2.pcb - A module we use to communicate with Alicat MFCs
This module converts from Arduino's TTL serial to RS232 serial. It also has a pwm signal filter and unity gain to allow analog output from two channels on the Arduino for control using an analog voltage.
valvedriver3.pcb - The valve-driver module for controlling odor valves
The module has optocouplers to switch solenoids on or off and status LEDs to view valve state.
valvedriverSMT.pcb - Another valve driver module with ribbon cable breakout (below)
ValveBreakout.pcb - the breakout with indicator LEDs
Valve - breakout
Valve - driver
ArduinoShieldBasic.pcb - Template we use for designing shields for Arduino Mega
rs232shield2.pcb - A module we use to communicate with Alicat MFCs
This module converts from Arduino's TTL serial to RS232 serial. It also has a pwm signal filter and unity gain to allow analog output from two channels on the Arduino for control using an analog voltage.
valvedriver3.pcb - The valve-driver module for controlling odor valves
The module has optocouplers to switch solenoids on or off and status LEDs to view valve state.
valvedriverSMT.pcb - Another valve driver module with ribbon cable breakout (below)
ValveBreakout.pcb - the breakout with indicator LEDs
Valve - driver
It is a great help, Thanks